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About This site

This is a web site for Star Trek: Outlaws. So why are there other web series featured so prominently  on this site?  Fair question. 


Star Trek outlaws is one of two web series that is produced by Dominion Media. Therefore, we also promote our sister Dominion Media web series, Excalibur Logs.


Dominion Media, along with Star Trek Outlaws, and Excalibur Logs were created by people who are deeply involved with "Dreadnought Dominion" which is a FilkFerrit production.  Therefore, we are also proud to promote Dreadnought Dominion and any other FilkFerrit productions.


Finally, Dreadnought Dominion was founded by Frank Parker Jr through the good graces and cooperation of the good people at Farragut Films, the makers of Starship Farragut.  So, out of a deep appreciation for their generosity, we are proud to promote Starship Farragut as well.


That is why you see four web series featured here.

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